Shop the Look || Dark & Moody Bedroom

I’ve been exploring some boho design groups on Facebook recently and I am loving all the inspiration I get from them! So many people opt for deep and vibrant colors when creating their spaces and I am here for it. I decided to create my own moody bedroom shop the look and I hope you enjoy what I’ve pulled together. ?


For years and years we have been obsessed with light, airy, and fresh. (AKA all white interiors.) I think that the all white fad has come hand in hand with farmhouse decor and I think it’s safe to say we can see this on its way out the door and headed into a more modern and vibrant interior trend. Thus I’ve created this moody bedroom design that you can incorporate into your own home! I’ve included some renderings and links to all the pieces, let me know what you think in the comments below!


Moody Bedroom.png



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Shop the looks are great and all, but sometimes we just need a designers eye to take a concept and make it feel like home in our own spaces. Love this look but need a few tweaks or even a whole new design made just for you? Contact me today to get your project started, no matter how big or small!